Small businesses and entrepreneurs are the backbone of America. Shannon has dedicated her career to supporting local businesses and job growth through roles at Ann Arbor SPARK, Michigan Small Business Development Center, University of Michigan and Washtenaw Community College.
Efficiency and transparency are important to a well-functioning community. Shannon is committed to a government that is responsive to its citizens and provides opportunities for meaningful public input.
Shannon Beeman’s love story with the County of Washtenaw began long ago as a student at North Creek Elementary in Chelsea. It was then, that she first learned of the unique attributes and characteristics that made Washtenaw County a wonderful place to live and raise a family.
After earning a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from Kendall College of Art & Design, Shannon moved to Manchester to raise a family and serve the community she loved. Shannon went on to earn a master’s of business administration from Walsh College and a certificate in economic gardening from the Edward Lowe Foundation. Over the years, she has supported the region through her roles within Ann Arbor SPARK, the Michigan Small Business Development Center, Washtenaw Community College and the University of Michigan.
Shannon has devoted her professional career to developing programs to enhance the health and growth of Michigan’s economy. She served as an integral part of a number of community business support initiatives including the Women’s Exchange of Washtenaw, New Enterprise Forum, Library-Biz Connect and more. Shannon’s passion for the health of local businesses, along with her strategic planning and marketing acumen, has contributed to moving Michigan’s economy forward.
Shannon recognizes the issues facing local producers as the Beeman family has farmed in western Washtenaw County for over 100 years. From dairy to livestock to u-pick orchards, agriculture continues to be an economic engine for the region. Shannon works to support multi-generational farms, expand youth agricultural engagement programs and explore emerging agricultural product markets to secure the future of Michigan farms.
As a second generation Washtenaw County resident, Shannon understands that Washtenaw stands out amongst the other counties throughout the state. Shannon is an avid supporter of preserving the distinct elements of Bridgewater, Freedom, Lodi, Manchester, Milan, Saline, Sharon and York that have drawn families and businesses to the region for decades, such as the high ranking school systems, low crime rates, fruitful farmland, friendly business climate and local charm. Shannon is also passionate about implementing innovative strategies for efficient county services, responsive safety measures and effective partnerships to support the quality of life of every Washtenaw County resident.
Shannon Beeman serves on the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners because she wants to make a positive contribution, through time, effort and energy, to the county that has made a positive impact on her life. As a county commissioner, Shannon works to ensure that core services continually improve and are competitive in today’s global environment. Shannon upholds the unique traits in the area that she has loved for many years and assure that they remain the same for generations to come.